Focus Your Online Marketing to Where it
Counts through Local SEO

CreativoMedia empowers small businesses by driving sales, leads, and traffic to their websites. Our Local SEO for SMBs aims to increase your Google search ranking, allowing you to compete with other, bigger companies in your industry.

Claim the Lion’s Share of the Local Market

Local SEO is, in many ways, better and more effective than organic SEO. It is more refined and targeted because we know who you are targeting — specifically, where they are located.

CreativoMedia uses geo-targeting to focus your resources on optimizing for local search. Instead of competing with the more established brands that target audiences on the national level, we go down to the level of the local market. With a high level of skill won by years of experience, our SEO specialists have helped small businesses become more accessible to local markets.

This is how we do local SEO: target the right people and send high-value leads to your website. When local customers look for a product or service, your site should be the first one they see.


Local SEO’s Impact on Small Businesses

Our local SEO services for small businesses leverage consumer behavior and local search trends so you can:

  • Boost online and in-store sales
  • Generate leads for long-term marketing and retargeting
  • Drive traffic to your website
  • Increase your ranking for local search queries

SEO Where You Need It

Small, local enterprises don’t need to rank number 1 for all keywords; just the local ones. When people search for a specific product or service in your city, their intent is clear: They want to find a seller or service provider because they’re ready to buy. It is for these searches that CreativoMedia will make your website rank.

How do we do it? We apply similar strategies for organic SEO, only this time, we refine them to target only the audiences in your service area. We channel every effort and resource towards reaching people who are most likely to become paying customers.

Our process allows us to implement our tried and tested strategies and be flexible when necessary.

  1. Site Evaluation
  2. Market Research, Competitor Analysis, and Planning
  3. On-Page Optimization
  4. Listings and Citations
  5. Analytics Tracking and Reporting

We may incorporate some or all of these processes in our local SEO service:

  • On-Page Optimization
  • Link-Building
  • Content Creation
  • Social Media Profile Optimization
  • Local Directory Listings
  • Mobile Optimization

Leverage Mobile Search to Increase Sales and Generate Leads

There’s no beating around the bush with Local SEO. We get to the meat of the matter right away and work to increase your online visibility. The goal is to make your website visible to potential customers whenever they need you.

One way to do that is to make your website mobile-friendly. About 65 percent of consumers use mobile search when they want to buy something, and 39 percent are influenced by what they find online. Additionally, 76 percent of people who use their phones to search for an establishment near them end up visiting the place within the day.

Still not convinced? This statistic might: 28 percent of searches for nearby establishments result in a sale.

Rank and Boost Your Website Traffic

The digital marketing climate has never looked better for local SEO. All over the world, about 52.2 percent of online traffic came from tablets and mobile phones. In the United States, mobile search now makes up 57 percent of all online traffic.

You can harness mobile search trends and direct the traffic to your website through local SEO. Along with higher traffic, on-page, and off-page optimization techniques, your website ranks higher on both mobile and organic search.

Don’t miss out on the benefits of local SEO. See our local SEO packages and prices and contact us to schedule a site evaluation.

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