Content and Design Tips for PPC Landing Pages

Content and Design Tips for PPC Landing Pages

Pay-per-Click optimization doesn’t end with creating good ad copy and researching the right keywords. Optimizing the landing pages that PPC ads lead to is a crucial step in driving more leads and conversions.

Landing pages are a fundamental part of any paid search marketing strategy. Their main purpose is to convert visitors into qualified leads. Linking PPC ads to a homepage, product page, or other pages that don’t tell visitors exactly what they need to do next could be a waste of time and resources.

An optimized landing page provides enough information for visitors to know what they should do and what they’ll get in return without overwhelming them with details. This challenge is easy to resolve through effective content and great web design.

Content Essentials for PPC Landing Pages

  1. Ad copy and landing page content should be consistent. A landing page’s content should reflect the ad that links to it. If the ad offers a free e-book or white paper, the page should contain instructions on how to download it.

  2. Keep the copy short. Visitors often spend just a few seconds trying to figure out what a landing page is about. Short, attention-grabbing headers and organized bullet lists can make the content easier to scan and understand.

  3. Explain the offer’s value. The content should explain the details and value of the offer. Visitors are more likely to perform an action if they feel a sense of exclusivity and know they will benefit from it.

  4. Use short forms. Any forms visitors need to fill out should also be short. Ask for only the most important details needed to qualify or follow-up with the lead, such as name, email address, and phone number.

  5. Add an image. Images help visitors visualize what’s being offered. Adding a screenshot of free trial software, the cover of an eBook, or a presentation’s first slide helps encourage visitors to take the necessary steps to seal the deal.

6. Provide social proof. Adding social proof, such as testimonials, a list of satisfied customers, relevant download statistics, or even tweets from people who have benefited from the offer, increases credibility and improves conversions.

The Elements of Good PPC Landing Page Design

  1. Place the brand’s logo strategically. Visitors need to know exactly whose page they’re on and who they’re sending their details to. Placing a logo in a prominent spot, such as the top-left portion of the page, improves brand recognition and recall.

  2. Keep content above the fold. It’s ideal to keep the landing page’s content above-the-fold. Visitors are easier to convert if they can see everything they need to see in one glance instead of having to scroll up and down the page.

  3. Use a clean, organized design. Adding too many visual elements to a landing page design overwhelm or confuse visitors. Use minimalistic designs with visual cues, such as arrows or contrasting colors, to highlight important sections and guide visitors along the page.

  1. Limit navigation options. Including a navigation menu distracts visitors and can make them leave the page before filling out the form. Limit landing page navigation to a homepage link in the brand logo and links to Terms of Use and Privacy Policy pages.

  2. Redirect to an optimized thank you page. People who reach the thank you page after sharing their information already show interest in what the company offers. This makes it easier to convince them to take further action. Thank you pages should be optimized to reconvert visitors on another offer.

According to Hubspot’s Marketing Benchmarks Report, companies that increase the number of landing pages they have from 10 to 15 see a 55% increase in leads. Creating more landing pages for a PPC campaign is always a good idea, but they should all be designed and optimized for better conversions.

Developing PPC campaigns that drive conversions and sales is easy with Creativo Media. Talk to us and allow our paid search marketing experts handle your ads and landing pages.

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