Email Marketing for Mobile Apps: Five Essential Steps

Email Marketing for Mobile Apps: Five Essential Steps

Many mobile app developers only run email promotions during and after an app launch, but this can make them miss out on good opportunities to build up interest in their app. Having an email marketing plan that covers the pre-launch, beta testing, launch, and post-launch phase is the best way to keep an audience excited about an app beyond its initial release.

Developers can create an effective email marketing strategy for their apps by following these five steps.

Develop the Plan for Each Phase

It’s always better to start planning and executing an email marketing campaign early on than to handle it while coding or designing the app. The plan doesn’t have to be complex, but it has to cover everything from pre-launch to post-launch. This outline shows some of the most important steps to include in any email marketing plan for an app:

  • Pre-Launch:
    • Choose an email service provider
    • Create a subscription list
    • Build a pre-launch page with an email subscription form
    • Promote the pre-launch page and encourage people to opt-in
  • Beta Testing:
    • One week before beta testing: Invite subscribers to participate in beta, and tell them how to download the app and provide feedback
    • Three days after beta testing: Ask beta testers for feedback
  • Launch:
    • One week before launch: Tell subscribers that the app is about to launch, and encourage them to spread the word.
    • Launch day: Announce the launch, and provide links to the app’s download page
  • Post-Launch:
    • One week after launch: Thank the subscribers and encourage them to provide ratings and feedback on the app’s download pages
    • After major updates: Send subscribers a summary of the changes made and encourage them to spread the word

Create a Pre-Launch Page

A memorable pre-launch page can go a long way in building up the target market’s excitement and collecting more email subscriptions. It’s easy to create a simple pre-launch page, but it takes more than that to create one that leaves a lasting impression. Read this previous blog post to learn about the five elements of an effective pre-launch page. Promote the pre-launch page on social networks and other channels and encourage more people to opt-in.

Create the Email Campaign

After completing the pre-launch page and building up the list of subscribers, it’s time to create the actual email campaign. Don’t focus too heavily on the email newsletter’s design. Aesthetics may be an important aspect of your emails, but the actual message they contain is what really matters. A well-designed newsletter will go to waste if nobody bothers to open it. Concentrate on creating attention-grabbing headlines that will make people want to open and read the email.

It’s not necessary to schedule email blasts on a specific day or hour. It’s more important to send them out during key points of the app development and launch phases. The example outline in the first section of this post shows some of the most important times to send the emails.

Don’t Stop After Launching the App

Stopping an email marketing campaign after the app launches can make developers miss out on a lot of opportunities. They can still use email marketing to stay in touch with subscribers, collect feedback, or announce updates and milestones.

If you’re interested in mobile app development and online marketing services that deliver, contact Creativo Media today.

created to promote one of their games (The Drowning)

Choose the Right Email Service Provider

There are many web-based email marketing tools available today, and choosing one can be a little confusing. When thinking about the different options, try answering the following questions to determine which one works best for the campaign:

  • What are the email campaign’s goals and requirements?
  • How much does the service cost?
  • Does the service include good default and custom template options?
  • How efficient is the provider’s customer support?
  • What kind of analytics and reporting features do they offer?

The most popular email marketing tools include MailChimp, AWeber, and Campaign Monitor. Many service providers also offer free services or trial periods that allow users to preview their tools and features.

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