Four SEO and Digital Marketing Resolutions for 2014

Four SEO and Digital Marketing Resolutions for 2014

2013 was an eventful year for SEO and online marketing, and every business needs to be ready for what will be happening in 2014. Here are some of the most important New Year’s Resolutions that will help every business succeed in their digital marketing efforts this year.

Focus on Mobile

Developments in mobile marketing and technology had a huge impact on 2013, and will continue to influence consumer behavior in 2014. With the development of technology that fully integrates consumers’ mobile, social, and in-store experiences, such as Apple’s iBeacon, mobile optimization and marketing should no longer be an optional component for a brand’s campaign – it should be the top priority. App development, mobile marketing, and responsive design are some of the key things to focus on this coming year.

Ditch the Bad SEO Habits

Many of the SEO strategies that were effective in previous years will no longer work in 2014, and some of them can even have a negative impact on a website’s rankings. Looking back on the most important SEO lessons to learn from 2013 can help businesses assess their current strategies and update them for the coming year.

Reevaluate Audience Personas and Segments Regularly

No strategy will work if marketers or SEOs fail to understand their audience. Knowing the target audience better makes it easier to develop content, marketing strategies, and products that really engage them. Reevaluating customer personas and segments through careful research and surveys will help businesses make sure that all their efforts will provide positive results throughout the year.

Stay Updated and Educated

Technological developments and Google algorithm updates kept marketers and SEOs on their toes in 2013, and 2014 will likely be no different. Monitoring the developments that affect digital marketing and SEO allows business owners to keep their strategies updated and prevents them from missing key opportunities because of outdated methods.

Remembering these simple resolutions and fulfilling them will help your business thrive in 2014. Contact us today to learn more about what our digital marketing solutions can do for your brand this year.

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