The Three Components of Effective Landing Pages for Social Campaigns

The Three Components of Effective Landing Pages for Social Campaigns

PPC advertising campaigns aren’t the only ones that require landing page optimization. Content, email, and social media marketing efforts also require a sound landing page strategy. Linking to a homepage through blog comments, guest post author bios, and social media pages rarely brings in traffic that converts. Creating customized landing pages provides a smoother transition between these traffic referral sources and a brand’s website.

The main purpose of these custom pages is to provide more context, acknowledge link sources, and convert readers into subscribers. Visitors have different expectations depending on where they find the referral link, which makes it more important to create custom landing pages for them.

Using custom landing pages can keep visitors interested in a website and increase conversion rates. Neil Patel, co-founder of Crazy Egg and KISSmetrics, says that he saw a 10% increase in registrations from custom landing pages for guest posts.

Here are the three most important elements to include in a customized landing page for specific traffic sources.

Personalized Headlines

Use headlines that mention the link source, especially for visitors coming from social networks or guest posts. Headlines such as, “Welcome SEJ Readers!” for visitors that found a site through a guest post on SEJ, give a page additional contextual relevance. Mentioning the source right where visitors can see it can discourage them from navigating away.

ntroductions and Calls to Action

Landing pages should introduce the company and what it offers within the first section of content. When clicking a link on a company’s social media profile or guest post, people often expect to be sent to a standard homepage with a brand’s name and logo on it. Custom landing pages break that tradition, which makes it important to let visitors know exactly where they are, how the company can help them, and what they need to do next.

Contextual Content

A custom landing page’s content should be relevant to its visitors and link source. The content on landing pages for guest blog traffic should reflect the topic discussed in the original post. The content on landing pages for social media referrals should be based on how visitors from specific social networks behave. Visitors from LinkedIn will be interested in a company’s work and contact information, while visitors from Twitter or Facebook will be more interested in content they can share.

Some of the best types of content to place in custom landing pages include:

eBooks and Whitepapers – Many companies give out free ebooks and whitepapers in exchange for visitors’ contact details. These can be created from scratch, or be compilations of relevant, repurposed company blog posts.

Videos – Landing page content doesn’t have to be limited to text or static images. Including a short, streaming video can make landing pages more engaging. Adding an opt-in form and social media sharing buttons to a video landing page can make it more effective.

Relevant Internal Links – Providing a short list of relevant links to blog posts, informative product or service pages, and other related content can encourage visitors to continue browsing the site.

Creativo Media’s team of digital marketing experts uses a combination of proven design and content strategies to create optimized landing pages for PPC and social campaigns. Contact us to start driving your visitors to landing pages that convert.

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