The Three Important Elements of a Responsive eCommerce Website

The Three Important Elements of a Responsive eCommerce Website

Many shoppers rely on the internet and their mobile devices for product information, store locations, price comparisons, product reviews, and purchase items online. Redesigning and optimizing an ecommerce website to suit mobile shoppers can greatly improve its reputation among its customers. A study conducted by Latitude, an international research consultancy, revealed that 61% of people have better opinions of brands that provide good mobile experiences.

The three most important parts of a responsive ecommerce website are the masthead, product catalog and detail pages, and footer. Each part has supporting elements to improve shoppers’ user experience and brand retention.


The masthead appears at the top of every page on a website. An ecommerce website’s masthead should include:

  • Branding: No website is complete without proper branding. Keep the brand’s logo visible at the top of each page to tell shoppers whose products they’re looking at and make it easier for them to remember the brand whenever they go shopping online.
  • Primary Navigation: An ecommerce website should have a well-organized navigation system that allows users to jump from one category to another with ease. Keep the primary navigation menu accessible by including it in the website’s masthead. For ecommerce websites with a lot of product categories, consider using drop-down or sliding navigation menus to conserve space.
  • Search Box: ECommerce websites that have great primary navigation menus and few product categories can get away with excluding search boxes, but larger stores should include it at the top of every page. This will allow users to find exactly what they’re looking for without having to go through all the navigation options

Product Catalog and Detail Pages

An ecommerce site’s inner pages are composed mostly of product catalogs and detail pages. For catalog pages, an image-based layout is best for responsive websites. This allows shoppers to browse and select a product or subcategory easily. Use high-quality product photos to make sure they look good no matter what mobile device shoppers are using.

Optimized product pages should include short yet descriptive product overviews, product ratings and sample reviews, social sharing buttons, and calls-to-action such as “Buy” or “Add to Cart”. Add drop-down menus with additional options for products that are available in different quantities, colors, and sizes.

Include related product links at the bottom of each product page to keep shoppers interested and drive additional sales.


The footer appears at the bottom of each page. It should include these three important elements:

    • Footer Navigation: The footer menu should focus on links to more informative sections of the site, such as the About,FAQ, or Terms and Conditions pages. Some stores provide a simpler version of their primary navigation in the footer, but this can make the page appear cluttered.
    • Contact or Support Details: Include the store’s phone number, email address, and physical address (if applicable), or add a Support link on every page. Offering reliable customer support and keeping lines of communication open to shoppers who have questions can greatly influence their decision to buy.
    • Social Links: Get shoppers to visit and follow the store’s pages on social networks like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram by providing links at the bottom of each page.
    • Back to Top Button: It’s easier for shoppers to tap on a button than to scroll up and down a page. Adding a “Back to Top” button in the website’s footer makes browsing more convenient, and provides easy access to the site’s primary menu.

Creating a better mobile shopping experience is the best way to earn and retain loyal customers and improve your website’s conversion rates.

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