Why Your SEO Efforts Aren’t Paying Off

Why Your SEO Efforts Aren’t Paying Off

Search engine optimization (SEO) plays an essential role in marketing your small business. It’s a technique that allows you to establish and maintain online visibility, giving you greater opportunities to attract, convert, and eventually, sell. In short, SEO grows your business because you’re able to reach out to more consumers, which is at the heart of what we do here in Creativo Media.

In our years of working with all kinds of companies, we know how SEO for small businesses can make a profound impact. We also know that certain actions (or lack of) can have a negative effect on results.

Here are just some of those mistakes.

Keywords: Failure to Plan

One of the mistakes that startups tend to make is not planning their keywords well enough. Some businesses end up optimizing too much, which can lower the quality of an article or optimize for irrelevant keywords, which can lose opportunities for organic traffic.

Keyword research needs to be strategic, and it requires thorough research. It needs to be strategic because you need to target the right users to improve engagement and conversions. It needs comprehensive research because you need accurate data to target your market.

Include long tail keywords that are specific to your products or services, and combine them with the local area you’re targeting. Optimizing for local users will increase your visibility to consumers who could be ready to make that purchase.

In your planning, use tools like the Google Keyword Planner.

Content: Not Prioritizing Quality

Another critical mistake is making do with old, or worse, copied content. Not only will this affect your reputation, but it could also hurt your ranking because people are consuming content more voraciously than ever before. Consumers demand information, and they not only want it to be engaging, but they also want it fast and easy.

And Google is paying attention.

As such, the search engine giant focuses on relevant and accessible content to rank websites in its SERPs; top ranking on the first page means better visibility for your business.

So what do you do?

Develop not only relevant, engaging, and original articles, but also consider long-form format. Long-form content, according to Search Engine Journal, can turn into a transactional vehicle.

Promotion: Not Enough of It

The quality of your content is nothing if it doesn’t reach the intended audience.

Once you have determined what kind of content you need to produce, concentrate on how you can deliver this content to your potential customers.

Your investment in your content production resources should be equal to the resources that you will use in promoting it. Posting your content on your social media profiles, blogs, and newsletters is not enough to reach more audience.

Investing in more resources for your promotional strategy will contribute to increasing the leads that you generate. Several strategies include paid social campaigns, content promotion over influencer channels, and link building among others.

Boost Online Visibility

In your journey to an effective SEO strategy, our team can help you create a plan that will match your needs and will focus on reaching your goals. We’ll listen to your ideas and put them into action.

We aim to increase your web presence and help you carve your piece of the market.

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