How to Create Memorable and Engaging Infographics in Six Steps

How to Create Memorable and Engaging Infographics in Six Steps

Infographics are effective content marketing tools that can communicate a lot of information in a simple, digestible way. The popularity of infographics has rapidly been increasing over the past few years, with the search volume for the word “infographic” on Google increasing by about 800% from 2010-2012. A good infographic engages viewers, can go viral quickly, can improve brand awareness, and establish the brand’s authority.

Creating an infographic requires a careful balance between the information that needs to be shared and the graphics used for communication. Here are some of the most important steps to take when developing and executing an effective infographic.

Determine Who and What the Infographic is For

Start by identifying who the target audience is, and what specific question or problem the infographic needs to address. Will it provide clients and prospects an overview of a company’s methodology? Will it provide news updates for other professionals in the industry by summarizing data from recent studies? Knowing what the infographic is for and who it needs to communicate with makes it easier to determine what data to include, how it should look, and where to distribute it.

Research Thoroughly

Extensive research is the foundation for effective infographics. A poorly-researched infographic is doomed to failure no matter how attractive its visuals are. Teams devoted to research and data analysis can gather accurate information for infographics, but the internet can also be a good resource. Compare different sources when doing online research to make sure the data is accurate and well-researched. Consider other information sources, like case studies and periodicals, as well.

Keep Infographic Copy Short

Avoid using too much text to explain concepts and data. An infographic is meant to communicate ideas visually, and using plain text will only bore its viewers. Minimize the copy by replacing text with icons and symbols.

If using large amounts of written content is unavoidable, use creative typography to make blocks of text more interesting.

Use Creative Visuals, but Don’t Overdo It

Online tools with pre-made themes like Piktograph and or software with data visualization features like MS PowerPoint 2007’s SmartArt graphics can make it easy for anyone to design infographics. Infographics created with these tools can communicate ideas and statistics effectively, but they may lack the impact a personalized, unique infograph has.

Go beyond using regular charts and graphs to make info graphics memorable and engaging. Use creative illustrations to give the data presentation a more interesting twist, but avoid going overboard. Remember that infographics are more about visual storytelling and communication than simply being artistic. Using too many colors and ornamental elements can make an infographic too complicated for viewers to understand.

Make It Easy to Discover and Share

Social media users love sharing interesting infographics. Make it easier for them by including social sharing buttons on the page the infographic is embedded in. Post the infographic in the company’s blog, and link to it on official social media pages and accounts to help it reach a larger audience.

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