Working on What Matters Most – Enhanced Digital Marketing for the Second Half of 2013

Working on What Matters Most – Enhanced Digital Marketing for the Second Half of 2013

There’s no denying that the world of digital marketing faces constant evolution. This is especially true when it concerns search engine optimization. With relentless updates to the Google search algorithm, it can become difficult to keep your site relevant. Your SEO strategy can either spell success for your business, or lead it to oblivion with the thousands of other businesses trying to get a chunk of the market.

Although there’s no surefire roadmap to success to an ever-evolving process, there are fundamental practices you can follow to ensure optimum performance. There’s a lot to make sense of, but the following are what you should give some serious thought for better performance for the second half of the year.

Send Stronger Social Signals

Social media is a catalyst. It has changed and continues to transform the already complex world of SEO and digital marketing. Today, your presence on this platform has a direct impact and shapes how your page ranks on the search engine results pages (SERPs). As such, it’s a channel you need to invest in and give much attention to. Social media is all about establishing connections, engaging networks, and sharing content that matters.

Matter of fact, Harvard even has an extension program on mastering this digital marketing strategy. Good news is you don’t need to go all the way to Boston to learn the benefits of social media.

Solidifying your social media presence requires the employment of a few simple tricks. First move is to generate a buzz through connections and interaction. Let your customers know that you are more than just a name – let them feel your presence by sharing high-value content, interacting with them through tweets, retweets, mentions, and other similar actions. Participating in positive discussions does more to build your brand than you probably think.

Content Still Reigns Supreme

One thing will always remain true when it comes to proper digital marketing and SEO: content reigns supreme. It’s been said time and again, but it’s unquestionable. Great content is the pillar of an effective SEO strategy and gets your site to the top of the SERPs. Write outstanding content and update it regularly – give users an experience like no other through the various pieces of text that appear on every single page. Put value in every word that appears on your website and watch conversion grow.

Considering how Google is always on the lookout for “freshness,” it puts a premium on websites with regularly updated content. The best way to get this done is through a regularly updated blog on your website. Present readers and visitors with timely bits of information relevant to your industry. It builds authority and improves your search rankings.

Go Mobile

According to a Global Web Index Study, the number of people accessing the internet via a mobile phone or similar handheld device increased by 60.3% to 818.4 million in the last two years. This strong figure only emphasizes just how important it is to build a website for mobile users. Do this by taking the best and most used features of your full site and devising a way to make it accessible on the smaller screens of a smartphone or tablet. Focus on navigation and usability, and maybe even pair it up with a downloadable app. All these different layers add value to your brand and boost the likelihood of revenue growth.

SEO and digital marketing is complex and requires you to stay on top of all the changes. Strong familiarity with all these different elements allows you to create solid groundwork that will support high rankings for now and the future. Need help? Contact us today and let’s get started.

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