Your Target Audience: The Focus of Digital Marketing Trends

Your Target Audience: The Focus of Digital Marketing Trends

Online marketing doesn’t only involve creating a website and waiting for the clicks, calls or emails to come. You must make sure your website is well designed and ranks high on search results pages. A 2012 national survey showed that 33% of all search traffic went to the site with the first position. The drop off for each subsequent position is staggering and those sites not ranked on the first page have very little chance of seeing conversion.

How do you manage to secure the desirable and coveted first position? First, you need to build an overall digital marketing content, keyword and social media strategy that is narrow enough to focus in on a target yet broad enough to reach a sizable audience.Next, you need to remain up to date with the latest trends in search engine optimization, Web design, mobile marketing, social media, and other online marketing techniques. Taking advantage of new features and products can really be a boost to traffic. One Vine, YouTube or Instagram video can improve you traffic dramatically. This two-pronged approach of content and social viralitycan help you create an effective strategy to make your target audience become aware of your products and brand.

Newspaper and magazine ads, among other traditional print advertising platforms, used to be the most effective way of reaching potential consumers. Now, local businesses have found the internet to be the most productive advertising platform. More people search the web for information about different types of goods and services than any other means of advertising or referral source. As a business owner, it’s in your best interest to leverage the latest online marketing trends to build your business and your revenue.

Top Marketing Trends to Think about and Apply

1.Quality Content is the Key: It’s not about quantity

Search engine optimization, especially on Google, is about the quality of your website’s content. Apart from keyword use and linking, technicians constantly change search algorithms to recognize excellently written content. Before publishing, ensure content is trustworthy and well written. Is it worth sharing and raise your brands awareness and recognition as an authority or as a taste maker? These questions are always worth asking; don’t just post to build text.

2.Simplicity is key to conversion: Accessible Web Designs

Making your website easy and simple to use is more important than trendy animated graphics and animation. This way, your site’s users can browse easily using different devices, from desktop computers and laptops to tablets and mobile phones. The user’s point of view and experience in visiting your site are also important. A complicated Web design can make your site difficult to browse, which can drive away users. Depending upon your product or site purpose build the layout to quickly and easily provide the visitor with what brought them to your site in the first place.

3.Responsive Design Goes Mobile: Mobile Trends for Better Functionality

A website that’s hard to fit in a small mobile phone screen is annoying to use. Over half of all internet usage now comes via a mobile device, sites that are easier to view on different types of screens and browsers will drive more user engagement. Make your website touch and gesture centric and more interactive using images, big navigation buttons and easy-to-navigate layouts that load fast.

4.Visuals Speak Louder: Visual Social Media on the Rise

The popularity of Pinterest, Instagram, and other image-sharing sites proves that fine pictures sell more instead of stand-alone textual content. YouTube, Vine and other video networks are also popular methods of entertaining, educating a building brand buzz. Each viral video has the potential to reap millions views and generate repeated sharing.

Find out more about other trends from skilled marketers. Contact Creativo Media for online marketing advice for your commercial ventures.

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